Tuesday, September 15, 2009

MacApple's MiLife for the busy woman


- the new operating system for the busy woman

With the continued problems being experienced by Windows Husband users, MacApple have launched a new operating system for the busy woman - OS XXX MiLife09®.

MiLife has all you expect from MacApple – iDrive, iChat, iShop, iLike, iCantFind, iMLate, iMlost, MiTime, etc. Improved social programmes inc. iDate, iBreezer, iTalkToo and HiLife.

MacApple also offers a whole range of Man4Life programmes for MiLife users operating in a virus-free environment (no ManFlu) and on a more secure and stable operating system for you and your loves ones.

MiBoyfriend® inc. Man4Life versions of iDate, iShop and iWash plug-ins. Compatible with all ages (no home or child functions)

MiBoyfriend4Home® - (for your live-in lover) as MiBoyfriend but also inc. iClean and iLaundry plug-ins. Compatible with all ages (no child functions)

MiHusband Lite® inc. HouseHusband® with full iClean and iLaundry plug-ins. Compatible with husbands 18-30yrs, 1-2 bedroom homes (no child function).

MiHusband Professional® inc. Husband@Home® for the home-working professional husband with full MiKiddi, MiMum, MiPets, iClean and iLaundry plug-ins. Compatible with work@home husbands 24yrs+, operating up to 4 kids, 3+ bedroom homes.

MiHusband Professional Day’n’Nite® The full monty! As MiHusband Professional but with more plug-ins than you know what do with (all Ann Summers approved), improved speed and overall system performance – day and night!

WiFey - all MiHusband® programmes come with full WiFey controls and filters so you can set your own sports, drinking, gaming, TV and bedroom levels.


Keep your man up-to-date — without having to call home or you fussing! MobileMan is a service that automatically pushes your man around over the air. So your man is always up-to

-date, wherever he is! You also get an elegant Gallery for sharing your photos of your man with friends and family and iDisk for storing and sharing important documents online. And you can access and manage your man with a suite of web applications at www.mimobileman.com.

Additional Man4Life software for MiLife

MiBedroom – improved WiFey compatible bedroom control

DoesItHimself – for all your home improvements

Coming soon!

MultiTask4Men – you won’t believe the difference!

NB - we recommend you avoid the following games -

Touchy Feeley

Incredible Sulk

MiPhone Man4Life apps

For the MacApple MiPhone there are of course lots of Man4Life APPS for running your husband both on the move and remotely, including -

iSpy– a GPS app to see where he shouldn’t be

MiTaxi – the personal runaround app for you and the kids

Sexting – SMS-based private app

Where2Wii – GPS app detailing all town centre public conveniences

MiMan – the remote alerting app that senses when you’re your man is about to play away and brings him home safe and sound

iShopToo – improved shopping functions for your man

MacApple – the Garden of Eden of the computing world!

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