Sunday, August 06, 2006

Great Brocades

Great Brocade | Farcet Fen | 4 August 2006

I saw this moth fly into the garage at c.2220h and land on the back window overlooking th MV trap (nearly nade it!). It had a sluggish flight and when it settled my suspicions were roused further. "Didn't recogise this" I thought ot my self. So, potted it and stuck it in the fridge for later.

It was only just before going to bed after midlnight that I remembered I had a moth in the fridge to look at. Out it came and it didn't tale me long to pin the ID as Great Brocade. According to our esteemed recorder, Barry Dickerson, in his latest update this spring, only 10 previous records with the last in 2000.

And like buses, you wait for one and . . .

Not me, but Richard Shotbolt circulated this photo to several Hunts mothers of a Great Brocade he had caught over night 4/6 August!

Great Brocade | Ramsey Forty Foot| 5 August 2006

(c) Richard Shotbolt

Also, Bob Scott (St Neot's) also pulled one out of his trap this morning.

And to top it, emptying my 15w Actinic trap this morning, I pull out the fourth Great Brocade in the area in three days!

Great Brocade | Farcet Fen | 6 August 2006

My images | Panasonic Lumix FZ-30

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